Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM), a joint initiative between Wellington City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council, and the NZ Transport Agency, has reported on the four scenarios for improving Wellington traffic congestion.

“More than 2000 people and 50 stakeholder groups took the time to work through our scenarios and give us feedback,” said programme director Barry Mein.

LGWM commissioned an independent consultant, Global Research, to analyse and report on the responses. Nine key themes from the feedback were support for better public transport – now and long-term; support for less congestion; support for walking and cycling improvements and priority; opposition to new infrastructure that encourages car use; a regional, integrated approach; it is time to act, while being mindful of cost; future-proofed solutions are required; Basin traffic flow issues need to be solved, and Wellington specific solutions are required.

In the public engagement, LGWM invited people to express a preference for one of the four scenarios proposed. The results were 560 were for Scenario A; 216 were for Scenario B; 193 were for Scenario C; and 635 were for Scenario D.

“It’s important to note that the preferences are not votes – this isn’t a referendum. Many people who selected a preference what they would change about their preferred scenario,” said Mr Mein. “We’ll use the feedback to help guide our work as we develop a recommended programmed of investment. The recommended programme is unlikely to be one of the four scenarios as presented but it will include parts of the scenarios.”

The recommended programme will also include timing, costs, a pathway for design and construction, and next steps. LGWM plans to deliver a recommended programme to WCC, GWRC, and the NZTA in the middle of the year.

Written by Geoff Mowday at Whitby Newsbrief