Porirua is one of the four cities that make-up the Wellington metropolitan area. With a relaxed lifestyle, stunning harbour, rolling hills, and a flourishing business district, Porirua is a great place to live, work, and conduct business.

The benefits to business and investors are plentiful, including ample commercial land ripe for development, a diverse and stable workforce, easy access to the rest of Aotearoa New Zealand by road and rail, and the advantage of being just 20 minutes from the Capital City.

The numbers (as of 2024):

  • Estimated population: 62,000
  • One of our nation's youngest cities: 22% between 0-15 years old (as a percentage of total population)
  • Average residential property value: $841,903
  • Value to local economy: $3.053 billion (as of late 2023)
  • Median household income: $124,000
  • 5,238 Businesses (as of late 2023) 

If you are looking to set up a business in Porirua, or have questions regarding business opportunities in the area, we are here to assist. You can get in touch at info@poriruachamber.co.nz, or via 04 239 6140

Acknowledging the vital foundation of Ngāti Toa

Porirua is also home to Ngāti Toa Rangatira and taura here Māori who live here. Ngāti Toa is an economic powerhouse and their commercial but tangata centric activity is growing the city daily. It’s a huge contribution to Porirua and you can read about the city’s strategy for engagement and partnership with Ngāti Toa here.